STOP over-thinking and over-worrying: 5 anxiety management tips

Living with anxiety can be challenging, overwhelming and downright exhausting - especially if you struggle with constant worrying, overthinking, overanalyzing, restlessness, and fear. These patterns of thinking often repeat, thus creating cycles that sometimes seem impossible to get out of. But don’t lose hope! There are many evidence-based strategies that can help you manage anxiety better and regain a sense of control over your life. In this blog post, I will list 5 tips for managing anxiety that are based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT); a highly researched and effective form of therapy.

Tip 1: Ask yourself: is it within my control?

If the answer is yes then what can you do about it? Take action. If the answer is no, then accept that you cannot change the situation. Can you not change the situation because it involves another person? In that case you may be interested in reading about setting boundaries. Is the situation simply out of your control? In that case try to work on accepting it. This may look like sitting with the thoughts and emotions and simply acknowledging them, but not giving them power to take over. 

Tip 2: Become aware of your thoughts.

Are you catastrophizing and thinking only of worst case scenarios? While these are very common anxious thought patterns, they are unhelpful and unrealistic. Think of best case scenarios and then realistic “in-the-middle” scenarios. Which do you think is most likely to happen? What can you do to prepare for the most probable outcome? If you are being overly-critical of yourself or someone else, then write down a list of all the “bad” points, and then a list of all the “good” points and reassess. 

Tip 3: Answer the “what ifs”.

What if this happens or what if that happens, what if I forget this or what if that person does or doesn’t do this… Sound familiar? Stop and actually answer the what ifs. Bring your thoughts to logical conclusions. Do your answers sound realistic or are you catastrophizing?

Tip 4: Practice being in the present moment.

This one is hard, but gets easier with practice. Anxiety often relates to the future. What can you do to bring your mind into the here and now? It might be mindfulness, meditation or a breathing exercise, though it may also be taking a walk, swimming, running, reading, painting, journaling, listening to music or cooking. What activity will ground you and give you a sense of calm? Go and do it. Physical activity is especially good for this as it gives your mind something else to focus on than your thoughts. 

Tip 5: Seek Professional Help.

Finally, if anxiety significantly interferes with your daily functioning and quality of life, consider seeking professional help. A qualified CBT therapist can provide specialized techniques and guidance tailored to your unique needs, helping you navigate your anxiety more effectively. I’d be more than happy to help you!

While anxiety can be overwhelming, incorporating one or all of these 5 tips into your life can make a significant difference in managing your symptoms. Remember that it's a process, and change takes time. By utilizing these strategies, you can reclaim control over your anxiety and create a more balanced and calm life for yourself. :)


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